Stripe Checkout

In this edition CJ Avilla and Mari Puncel cover the newest features of Stripe Checkout, build an integration with node.js, and cover some best practices.

### Presenters

Mari Puncel, Engineering Manager @ Stripe
CJ Avilla, Developer Advocate @ Stripe -

### Table of contents

00:05 - Introduction
01:20 - Overview of Stripe Checkout
04:22 - Implementation review
06:15 - Install developer-office-hours Stripe sample
08:13 - Create Checkout Session
11:21 - Inventory modeling
15:35 - Set up frontend
20:41 - Add success page
25:05 - Expand line items
28:13 - Refactor to collect recurring payments
29:10 - Fixed tax rates
30:58 - Dynamic tax rates
33:30 - Coupons, promotion codes, and discounts
37:22 - Wire webhook handler
40:55 - Conclusion

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