Introducing the embeddable pricing table for SaaS businesses

In this episode, you'll learn about the brand new embeddable pricing table. Now you can configure a pricing page directly from the Stripe Dashboard, copy a snippet and paste it into any site that supports HTML embeds. Building a SaaS app has never been easier. We'll look at a few no-code and low-code examples, then dive deeper to see a full integration with a ruby on rails application.

### Presenter
CJ Avilla - Developer Advocate at Stripe -

### Table of contents
00:53 Review and update Products and Prices
01:12 Update feature list for Product
02:33 Create a pricing table
05:50 Copy embeddable widget into codepen, bubble, and typedream
07:33 Integrate the pricing table with Rails
09:33 Associate pricing table with current user using client-reference-id
11:17 Review webhook automations
13:37 Integrate the customer portal
17:30 Conclusion

### Resources
Pricing table:
Integrating the customer portal:

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