Chatbot with Ruby on Rails, Turbo Streams, and OpenAI

In this episode, we build a chatbot in Ruby on Rails using Turbo Streams to create a real-time chat experience.

00:00 - Introduction
We generate a Chat controller, model, and migrations to get started. Then we create the main chat index and show pages.

02:35 - Implement Chat Messaging
We build out sending and displaying chat messages using Turbo Streams to update the page without reloading. We also add a background job to process the chat messages.

05:30 - Integrate OpenAI API
We send the chat message history to the OpenAI API to generate responses. Then we display the "thinking" message before replacing it with the actual response via Turbo Streams.

09:10 - Refactor for Live Feedback
We refactor the OpenAI job to immediately show the "thinking" message, then later replace it with the final response. This provides live feedback as the response is generated.

12:30 - Next Steps
Some ideas for future improvements like authentication, fine-tuning an AI model, and streaming the OpenAI response.

Overall, we build a real-time chatbot with Rails and OpenAI using Turbo Streams for a smooth user experience. The code is available on GitHub to try it out yourself!

#rubyonrails #openai